Adelina Loo

Accounting Tutor

Adelina has taught O level Principles of Accounting (POA) and IGCSE Accounting since 2010.

As a qualified accountant who is CPA certified, her in-depth knowledge of the subject and extensive accounting experience enables her to link different concepts and explain them in layman terms which is easy for student to understand. This is especially helpful to students in answering scenario-based and analysis questions. 

Through her decades of tutoring experience, she is able to understand her students' learning hurdle in accounting and address these to help them learn effectively. This is particularly important as O level POA examinations shifted toward understanding and application-based questions.


  • Certified Chartered Accountant from ISCA Singapore
  • Professional certification from the Chartered Institute of Management Accounting
  • Practiced accountant for more than a decade in various industry with last role as a Finance Head of Department for a Global 500 US MNC


  • Connect Accounting topics and concepts to real-life scenarios that students can relate

  • Link key points for each topic to other related chapters to help students see the overall picture

  • Break down each topic into bite-size and explained in a simplified manner 

  • Guide students to think from a business perspective and provide an all-rounded analysis.


  • Adelina is patience and take a genuine interest in ensuring her students learn well. 
  • Adelina's adaptive teaching style has helped boost her student's confidence and eliminate their fear of the subject.
  • Students taught by Adelina are guided to derive at the answer instead of being spoon fed with ‘model’ answers. This increases their retention rate.
At $0.80 per day

Elevate your learning to the next level!

Learn 100% according to your school syllabus and not what your tuition centre is teaching. Our video lesson gives you the flexibility to play, pause, and rewind as many times as needed till you grasp the concepts completely.

What our learners say

"Started POA tuition with us since Sec 3 and have consistently scored A1 and A2 in school exams. In her O level exam, she scored A1 and was given a school award."
"Achieved A2 for POA in N level exam. Struggled with POA in Sec 3 but was able to consistently score B3 to A1 in school exams after starting tuition with us."
"Efani is able to grasp POA concepts and linked the topics together after having lessons with us. She diligently practiced on our worksheets and scored A2 for O level."
"His POA results were hovering around B3 and B4. After lessons with us, he successfully obtained a breakthrough and scored A1 in the whole cohort for O level."
"Failed Sec 4 mid-year exam. After lesson with us, Keith scored A1 for prelim and A2 in his O level POA exam. "
"Have no confidence as she had been failing POA. After lesson with us, she is able to grasp the concepts, boost her confidence and scored B3 for her O level exam."
"Successfully had a breakthrough in her grades and scored A2 in O level POA."
"Has poor memory and thus low retention rate. Our lesson helped him scored A2 in his O level."
Jia Jiunn
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